Closing Conference of the Swiss-Hungarian Transnational Cooperation on the Referral of Victims of Trafficking
On the closing conference of the “‘Swiss-Hungarian Transnational Cooperation on the Referral of Victims of Trafficking” project were shared results and findings, and to think together of further steps to enhance cooperation in order to attain the highest possible degree in victim support and law enforcement in this field. The project’s aim is to facilitate... Read More
VSE conference “Supporting Victims of Cybercrime”
We participated on the general meeting and conference of VSE (Victim Support Europe): the president and one of our member represented our organization. The Conference in Brussels on 8th December 2017 provided a unique opportunity to address the most active issues related to cybercafe victimisation. Recognising that the focus is primarily on prevention, security and the... Read More
Portuguese judge uses Bible to excuse abusive husband
A Portuguese judge has triggered a row over sexism by suggesting that an abused women deserved to be punished because she had committed adultery. Back in 2015, the victim was lured into a hostage situation by her former lover on the premise he wanted to reconcile their affair. But when she was in his clutches,... Read More
Sziget Festival 2017 – Civil Island/activist against human trafficking
We were at the Sziget Festival together with the collegaues of Ministerium Interior Affairs. Our activity was against human trafficking: we provided informative questionnaires about human trafficking and discussons based on them. Fortunately we had many foreign visitors besides the hungarian ones.
3. Ösvény – Experiental Learning Conference
We have participated in the 3rd conference in Dobogókő, Hotel Walden.
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Officers from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands visited our headquarter in Budapest
The Embassy of Netherlands and White Ring Hungary has been having a close relationship for decades thanks to that we were given the chance to go on an 3-day educational trip in the Netherlands where we visited numerous victim support organizations. Mr. Enzo Molenberg, Deputy Head of Mission and Ms. Van der Werf, 2nd Embassy... Read More
VSE-video about victim rights and victim support
The Victim Support Europe’s video is available with subtitles in 6 languages about victim rights and victim support. Eredeti angol verzió: Spanyol: by A.N.V.D.V. Asociación Víctimas Szerb: by Victimology Society of Serbia Kínai: by The delegation of the European Commission in Taipei Holland: by Steunpunt Algemeen Welzijnswerk Portugál: by Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (APAV) Horvát: by Victim and... Read More
One of our members was elected Board Member of Victim Support Europe
Victim Support Europe(VSE) the organization gathering government and non-governmemt victim support organizations elected Dr. Gábor Veisz, a lawyer from Győr one of our members a Board Member in it’s general meeting on 19. May in Dublin. This honours our 28-year activity and 25-year membership of White RingHungary. The last time our member was a... Read More